Offering a spa services and an onsite restaurant Grand Hyatt Vail is located in Vail and is a 5-minute drive from Vail Village and Lionshead Village. The resort has two heated outdoor pools three hot tubs and fitness centre and guests can enjoy a drink at the fireside lounge. Every room comes with a private bathroom. For your comfort you will find bathrobes and slippers. There is free shuttle service and an onsite market at the property. Other amenities on-site include outdoor fire pits and seasonal specials. This resort has a ski school and bike hire is available. You can engage in various activities such as skiing horse riding and cycling. Pride Express -26 is 1.2 km from Grand Hyatt Vail while Eagle Bahn Gondola -19 is 1.4 km away. The nearest airport is Eagle County Regional Airport 44 km from Grand Hyatt Vail.
Disclaimer: The image shown is for illustrative purposes only and may not represent the actual hotel room. The room layout, furniture, amenities, and view may vary depending on the availability and location of the hotel.
“Un excelente lugar para compartir con la familia!!!... atención100% confiable y seguro...”
— Sinuhe Garcia Cuellar
“Fantastic job with the upgrade of the hotel. Great location with access to ski lift right beside hotel. Fly-fishing available in the gold-medal river behind hotel. Updated, contemporary rooms that were spacious and quiet. The staff was very friendly and Deva at the front desk went above and beyond to make our stay the best experience we could have imagined. Access to outstanding workout facilities both on-site and across the street. The daily happy hours in the lobby were entertaining.”
— Sean McBrearty
Customers review
Overall Wonderful, 4.5
Cleanliness 4.7
Comfort 4.7
Neighborhood 4.6
Amenities 4.4
Condition 4.7
Recomendation 81.2%
Sean McBrearty
Jan 29, 2022
Trabalho fantástico com a atualização do hotel. Ótima localização com acesso ao teleférico ao lado do hotel. Pesca com mosca disponível no rio medalha de ouro atrás do hotel. Atualizado, quartos contemporâneos que eram espaçosos e tranquilos. A equipe foi muito simpática e Deva na recepção foi acima e além para tornar a nossa estadia a melhor experiência que poderíamos ter imaginado. Acesso a excelentes instalações de treino, tanto no local como no outro lado da rua. As happy hours diárias no lobby foram divertido.
Gordon King
Jan 29, 2022
Mais avaliado. O quarto cheirava a esgoto. Descobri o vaso sanitário está desabafando. Ele flui algumas vezes por dia. US $ 8 por dois ovos. Realmente Eu não estou impressionado.Atualização de 10 de setembro de 2018. O hotel foi acomodando e fez lidar com a questão. A primeira impressão não foi tão boa assim, mas deixei de fora os pontos positivos. O hotel é muito bom e uma excelente atmosfera. O entretenimento ao vivo foi muito bom e toque agradável. A equipe foi incrível. O bell hop foi nice e extremamente atenciosa e a equipe da recepção foi great.
Jonathan Geurts
Jan 29, 2022
Talisa é elegante e confortável. Eu fiquei uma noite para uma conferência e apreciamos cada parte da minha experiência que estava sob o controlo do hotel. A equipe foi amigável, profissional e discreta. Meu quarto era confortável, bonito, e a vista era incrível. A comida no restaurante foi notavelmente, criativamente bom. Eu ficaria aqui novamente!
Kelly Garcia
Jan 29, 2022
ÓTIMO! A equipe é muito gentil e atenciosa, os quartos são agradáveis e aconchegantes, com uma bela vista. O hotel em si é decorado e mobiliado com detalhes tão elaborados que dão um toque sofisticado. Serviço rápido de refeições no quarto, funcionários simpáticos e muito atenciosos. Adoro! Meus filhos adoraram e gostaram. Eu NUNCA escrevo comentários, mas eu apenas tive que dar minha opinião sobre minha experiência.
Garrett Sinclair
Jan 29, 2022
Eu fiquei preso em Vail devido à neve e acabei ficando aqui no Hotel Talisa. A equipe na frente foram excelentes. Eles foram atenciosa e cortês. Conversei com a equipe da frente para um pouco e eles através de estacionamento com manobrista como cortesia. O hotel era muito bom. Cheirava muito bem e a decoração era muito boa. A única coisa que foi um pouco estranho foi que levou a água cerca de 10 minutos para se aquecer. Não é grande coisa e em geral eu realmente gostei da minha estadia aqui.
Frank Maloit
Jan 29, 2022
Absolutamente amo este hotel. Fiquei aqui várias vezes e nunca fiquei desapontado. O gerente de front office, Daniel, faz um ótimo trabalho. Muito amigável para interagir e faz com que os clientes de retorno se sintam valorizados.1. Eles abriram a loja para mim depois do expediente. 2. O café da manhã é delicioso. 3. Muito paciente com um pai e seus filhos. 4. Teleférico de entrada / saída de esqui e manobrista de esqui. 5. Locação no local e compra de equipamentos. 6. Vistas incríveis. 7. As banheiras de hidromassagem são silenciosas e sociais. 8. O lobby sempre parece ter atividades em andamento.A única coisa que eu mudaria é manter o bar aberto um pouco mais tarde.
Amber Drake
Jan 29, 2022
Nós tivemos uma ótima estadia no Hotel Talisa! O hotel e os quartos foram super limpo, camas eram super confortáveis, todas as coisas que você esperaria e muito mais. Mas o que realmente fez o hotel se destacam foi a equipe. A equipe foi super simpática e prestativa e rápido para ajudar. Nós não conseguimos participar de algumas das comodidades únicas do hotel como S'Mores com um mordomo no lobby, mas nós apreciamos música ao vivo de violão uma noite. O spa é fantástico, a piscina e lareiras fora foram excelentes ea vista do riacho e das montanhas é lindo! Adorei, ficaria novamente.
Jen Ingram
Jan 29, 2022
Passei vários dias lá durante o dia e à noite para os eventos espirituais adaptativos. Lindo hotel, a equipe foram fantásticas, a apenas adorável pessoas todo do manobrista para a equipe do hotel. Tão útil. Eles me deram uma excursão das instalações e disseram que nós poderíamos os usar durante o dia enquanto meu marido conduzisse negócio. A piscina fica ao lado do rio e é tão tranquila. Obrigado !!!
Deyanira VF
Jan 29, 2020
Exelente atención y personal Muy amable.
Christian Narvaez
Jan 29, 2020
Excelente hotel en un excelente lugar
Sinuhe Garcia Cuellar
Jan 29, 2020
Un excelente lugar para compartir con la familia!!!... atención100% confiable y seguro...
Amber Drake
Jan 29, 2020
We had a great stay at the Hotel Talisa! The hotel and rooms were super clean, beds were super comfy, all the things you would expect and more. But what REALLY made the hotel stand out was the staff. The staff was super friendly and helpful and quick to help. We didn't get to partake in some of the unique hotel perks like S'Mores with a butler in the lobby, but we did enjoy live acoustic guitar music one evening. The spa is fantastic, the pool and fireplaces outside were great and the view of the creek and mountains is gorgeous! Loved it, would stay again.
Garrett Sinclair
Jan 29, 2020
I got stuck in Vail due to the snow and ended up staying here at Hotel Talisa. The staff up front were great. They were helpful and courteous. Talked to the front staff for a bit and they through in valet parking as a courtesy. The hotel was very nice. It smelled great and the decor was really nice. The only thing that was a little weird was that it took the water about 10 minutes to get warm. Not a big deal and overall I really enjoyed my stay here.
Jen Ingram
Jan 29, 2020
Spent several days there during the day and evenings for the adaptive spirit events. Gorgeous hotel, the staff were fantastic, just lovely people all around from the valet to the hotel desk staff.So helpful. They gave me a tour of the facilities and said we could use them during the day while my husband conducted business. The pool is next to the river and is so peaceful. Thank you!!!
Frank Maloit
Jan 29, 2020
Absolutely love this hotel. Stayed here several times and haven’t once been disappointed. Front office manager, Daniel, does a great job. Very friendly to interact with and makes return customers feel valued.1. They’ve opened the store for me after hours. 2. The breakfast is delicious. 3. Very patient with a dad with his kids. 4. Ski in / ski out lift and ski valet. 5. On site rentals and equipment purchases. 6. Amazing views. 7. Hot tubs are quiet and social. 8. The lobby always seems to have activities going on.Only thing I’d change is keep the bar open a bit later.
Alexander Groth
Jul 23, 2019
Charged me twice for hotel room. Admitted mistake, and said they'd correct it. They didn't. I called again. They said they would correct it. They didn't. 5 times I called them. Each time they said they'd take care of it. I still haven't received my money back. Total incompetence behind front desk.
Paul Wetherington
Jul 19, 2019
I can’t say enough about the quality of individual service you get at this hotel. We had a rough first night, not due to anything the staff or hotel did, but merely because a mechanical issue with our A/C. They hotel took care of us, promptly got us into another room with an upgrade and we had no other issues the entire trip. You also can’t beat the access this hotel has to Gore Creek and the view you get from the infinity pool that overlooks the creek. Great place to stay!!!
Greg Marchand
Jun 07, 2019
Great rooms, great staff, awesome food! Visited in June - off season. Being on Gore Creek was great. A mile walk to Lionhead Village and a mile and a half to Vail Village. Would definitely stay here again.
Feb 16, 2019
Luxurious, but plenty of little 1st world problems. Hard to get a pepper shaker with pepper in it, for instance. Long wait to sit for breakfast, which is MOBBED! Moderately attentive service. To be fair this is a PEAK skiing weekend. Lots of little issues here attributable to all the temporary staffing typical of even the finest ski resort hotels. Crumby service overall but a very nice place to stay anyway.
Guillermo Panameño
Jan 29, 2019
Muy buen ambiente.
Abraham S
Jan 29, 2019
Muy bonito y excelente servicio!!!
Marce Ayala
Jan 29, 2019
Hermoso, confortable y un excelente servicio.
Gabriela Valdes
Jan 29, 2019
Espectacular este hotel! Ski in Ski out
Nathan Gill
Jan 29, 2019
Fue ya está usted para una conferencia. El hotel está todo renovado. Fue muy bien en la conferencia con mucho espacio. Lo que más me gustaba Pues que nuestro amor se estaba afuera al lado del río. Bien bonito y tranquilo todo.
Sean McBrearty
Jan 29, 2019
Fantastic job with the upgrade of the hotel. Great location with access to ski lift right beside hotel. Fly-fishing available in the gold-medal river behind hotel. Updated, contemporary rooms that were spacious and quiet. The staff was very friendly and Deva at the front desk went above and beyond to make our stay the best experience we could have imagined. Access to outstanding workout facilities both on-site and across the street. The daily happy hours in the lobby were entertaining.
Jonathan Geurts
Jan 29, 2019
Talisa is classy and comfortable. I stayed one night for a conference and enjoyed every part of my experience that was under the control of the hotel. The staff was friendly, professional, and discreet. My room was comfortable, beautiful, and the view was amazing. The food in the restaurant was noticeably, creatively good. I would stay here again!
Gordon King
Jan 29, 2019
Over rated.The room smelled like sewer. Found out the toilet is venting. It self flushes a couple times a day. $8 for two eggs.Really. I m not impressed.Update 10-Sep-2018.The hotel was accommodating and did handle the issue. The first impression was not that great, but I did leave out the positives.The hotel is very nice and a great atmosphere. The live entertainment was very good and nice touch.The staff was awesome.The bell hop was nice and extremely helpful and the front desk staff was great.
Kelly Garcia
Nov 17, 2018
Staff is so kind and attentive, rooms are nice and cozy with a BEAUTIFUL view.
The hotel it’s self is decorated and furnished with such thought out detail giving it a fancy feel. Quick in room dining service, friendly and again very attentive staff. Love it! My kids loved it, and enjoyed it. I NEVER write reviews but I just had to give my input on my experience.
Robin B
Great stay
Property is in great condition and clean. Bed was like sleeping on a cloud. Staff was very friendly and accommodating. Reassuring covid practices. Nice pool overlooking the creek. Wonderful facial...
Michael B
Excellent Stay
We booked a quick trip to Vail for the weekend. The Grand Hyatt has been our go to hotel for such trips. The hotel staff was very friendly and cared about our stay. The hotel itself is clean and...
Vallet hit our car.
When we checked out Vallet brought our car around and discreetly told us they had backed into our car earlier that morning it didnât contact us because they didnât want to bother us. We checked out...